
时尚网,时尚女装,时尚杂志 85℃


1) Trade barrier 贸易壁垒

2) Trade protectionism 贸易保护主义,也可理解为贸易壁垒

帮忙翻译成英文 国际贸易壁垒方面的

This paper describes the meaning of new trade barriers and characteristics. On this basis, combined with the current international economic development and people's ideas change, analyze the causes of new trade barriers and future trends. Then introduced the main elements of new trade barriers include --- green trade barriers, technical barriers to trade and social barriers. China is a big agricultural country is also a developing country, and technological backwardness compared to developed countries, products with low technological content, so repeated international trade restrictions on agricultural exports. This response, first described the status of agricultural trade in China and facing the international environment, then the analysis of new trade barriers on agricultural trade in China adverse and beneficial effects. Against the adverse effects of external factors and from both their own and find my experience in the international agricultural trade, new trade reasons. Both green barriers, technical barriers or social barriers to some extent, although they affect China's agricultural exports and hinder the process of trade liberalization, from the other analysis, the implementation of these barriers can also indirectly provide incentives for manufacturers, exporters from the perspective of sustainable development, protecting the environment, protect human, animal and plant life and safety and to protect labor rights, thus promoting the development of international trade. Therefore, this combination of international economic trade-related knowledge, through the relevant cases, summed up the approach to address these barriers, thereby enhancing the international market of agricultural products competitiveness, expand exports of agricultural products in China.

Keywords: new trade barriers; green barriers; technical barriers; social barriers; agricultural trade












[拼音]:mào yì bì lěi


barrier to trade;

trade barrier ;

trade wall;

trade barrier;

1. [Economics] trade protectionism;

trade barrier ; trade barrier; trade wall

[参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英法学大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英综合大词典





标签: 英文 贸易壁垒
