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谁能帮我写一下美国民权运动的 起因,经过,结果的 文章!最好用英文!

战后头10年,美国黑人争取平等自由的运动只限于由美国全国有色人种协进会在法院进行的斗争。1954 年5月17日,美国最高法院为改变美国在国际上的形象,就布朗控诉托布卡教育委员会一案作出判决:公立学校所实行的种族隔离教育是不平等的,违反《美利坚合众国宪法第14条修正案》。1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人罗莎·帕克斯夫人在公共汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。因为她的被捕还引发了蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动(Montgomery Bus Boycott )。在青年黑人牧师马丁·路德·金的领导下,全城5万黑人团结一致 ,罢乘公共汽车达一年之久 ,终于迫使汽车公司取消种族隔离制。1957年,金牧师及其支持者组成南方基督教领袖会议,将运动深入到南部生活的各个领域。1958年南方21个主要城市组织集会,发动黑人争取公民权利。1960年2月1日,北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒城4个黑人大学生进入一餐馆,白人服务员命令他们走开,他们静坐不动。这一英勇行为立刻得到南部广大黑人学生响应,发展为大规模静坐运动 ,迫使近 200 个城市的餐馆取消隔离制。1961 年 5 月初,种族平等大会又开展自由乘客运动。不久,在学生非暴力协调委员会参与下,得到许多白人支持,逐渐发展为全国性运动,迫使南部诸州取消州际公共汽车乘坐上的种族隔离制。


1963年3月,金牧师等人在南部种族隔离极严重的伯明翰组织示威游行,要求取消全城隔离制。示威群众受到残酷镇压 , 但由于金牧师的坚持和美国联邦政府被迫进行干预,该城种族隔离制全部被取消。

伯明翰事件后,民权运动队伍迅速扩大。1963年8月28日组织25万人 (其中1/4为白人)向华盛顿进军,要求就业,要求“立即自由”。另外,有些城市黑人还开展以暴力对付暴力的斗争。1964年迫使林登·约翰逊总统签署了《民权法》。但南部诸州仍采用各种手法阻止黑人选民登记。于是,金牧师等在种族主义非常猖獗的亚拉巴马州塞尔马市进行黑人选民登记运动,并于1965年3月冒着被殴打、杀害的危险由塞尔马向州首府蒙哥马利进军,最后参加人数达15万。在世界人民谴责面前,美国政府于同年8月要求国会通过了《选民登记法》。

上述两法未能实际完全取消南部种族隔离与歧视制度,而北部事实上的种族歧视还有加剧之势。1968 年3月,金牧师组织贫民进军(又称穷人运动) ,途经田纳西州 孟菲斯市时,被种族主义分子枪杀。后来黑人领袖们发起的民族自决运动、黑人权力运动、黑豹党运动以及黑人群众自发的大规模城市骚动等,实际上都是以不同形式反对事实上的种族隔离制,特别是就业歧视制度的民权运动的继续。


The first 10 years after the war, African Americans for equality and freedom of movement only by the NAACP in a court of the struggle. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court of the United States to change America's image in the world, brown tuobuka complaints to the board of education case verdict: public schools practiced the apartheid education is unequal, in violation of the American Constitution of the United States in Article 14 of the amendment. On December 1, 1955, Alabama Montgomery black Rosa Parks lady on the bus refused to give up her seat to a white, arrested and jailed. Because of her arrest, the Montgomerie bus Boycott Montgomery (Bus) was arrested.. Under the leadership of young black pastor Martin Ruud Kim, the whole city 50000 black solidarity, stop the bus for a year, finally forced the car company to cancel the apartheid system. In 1957, Kim and his supporters in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the movement depth to all areas of life in the south. 1958 Southern 21 major urban organizations rally, launched a black fight for citizenship. On February 1, 1960, the North Carolina Greensboro City, four black college students into a restaurant, the white waiter ordered them to go away, they sit still. This heroic act immediately got the response from the South African students, developed into a large sedentary movement, and forced the abolition of the isolation system in nearly 200 cities.. In early 1961 5, the racial equality conference carried out free passenger movement. Soon, in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee participation, many whites support, gradually developed into a national campaign, forcing the southern states to cancel the interstate bus ride to the apartheid system.

Civil rights movement

Civil rights movement

In March 1963, Kim et al in the South racial segregation of the extremely serious Bermingham organization demonstrations, the abolition of the whole city segregation system. The crowd was brutally suppressed, but the city's segregation system was canceled due to the insistence of the animal husbandry and the federal government forced to intervene..

Bermingham incident, the rapid expansion of the civil rights movement team. In August 28, 1963 the organization of 250000 people (1/4 of which is white) to Washington to enter, to require employment, the freedom to ". In addition, some cities blacks also carried out the violence against violence. In 1964, President Linden Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.. But the southern states still use a variety of techniques to prevent black voter registration. So, Reverend King etc. in rampant racism Alabama Selma to black voters registration exercise, and in March 1965 braved the risk of being beaten, killed by Montgomery, the capital city of Selma Xiangzhou enter, finally the number of participants up to 15 million. In the face of the condemnation of the world people, the government of the United States in August of the same year, the Congress passed the voter registration act.

The two laws to actual completely abolished Southern racial segregation and discrimination system, and North, in fact, racial discrimination and exacerbated the potential. In March 1968, the organization of the golden shepherd to enter the poor (also known as the poor movement), through the Memphis City, Tennessee, was racist molecular shot. Later black leaders launched the national self-determination movement, the black power movement, Panther Party movement and black people spontaneous large-scale urban unrest and, in fact, are against a de facto apartheid system in different forms, especially employment discrimination system of the civil rights movement continued.

The black civil rights movement in the United States is typical of modern non violent movement, in the world is the class oppression far-reaching impact, it makes people see the possibility of democratic rights can be obtained through lawful mass movement, also make people see the world will move towards democracy and equality of the trend.

它不仅改变了美国黑人的命运,赋予了他们很大程度上的平等、自由和尊严,也深刻影响了所有美国人的生活与观念。具体来说,民权运动推动联邦政府实行铲除种族隔离制的改革,最终消灭了公开的白人至上主义,为黑人赢得民权。它把美国从一个容忍种族主义、歧视黑人的社会转变为一个不管肤色与种族,承认每一个公民的平等权利的社会,从而深深改变了民众的思想。不仅如此,民权运动也激发了新时期美国社会的民主和自由斗争。现代妇女运动、反战运动、新左派运动和其他族裔争取权利的斗争等都受到民权运动的推动和影响。It has not only changed the destiny of the black Americans, it has endowed them with the equality, freedom and dignity, but also profoundly influenced the life and the idea of all Americans.. Specifically, the civil rights movement pushed the federal government to reform the elimination of apartheid, and eventually wiped out open white supremacy and won civil rights for blacks.. It is the American from a tolerate racism and discrimination against the black social transformation is a regardless of race or ethnicity, admitted that the equal rights of every citizen society, thus deeply changed the minds of the people. Moreover, the civil rights movement has also stimulated the American social democracy and freedom struggle in the new period. The movement of modern women, the movement of anti war, the movement of the new left and the struggle for the struggle for the rights of the other ethnic groups are all driven and influenced by the civil rights movement..





一直到1967年,金博士深刻体认到黑人在美国社会的饱受歧视,绝大部分是因为经济不平等所引起,经济权才是实质、才是根本原因,公民权只是装饰。于是,他将公民权的斗争转为经济权的斗争,发起“穷人运动”(Poor People's Campaign)。



美国黑人民权运动(African-American Civil Rights












高法院,在“布朗诉教育委员会”(Brown v. Board of







美国黑人民权运动(African-American Civil Rights Movement,又译为“非裔美国人民权运动”,1955年—1968年),美国民权运动的一部分,于1950年代兴起,直至1970年代,乃是经由非暴力的抗议行动,争取非裔美国人民权的群众斗争。











标签: 民权 美国
