
时尚网,时尚女装,时尚杂志 39℃


中国为什么是发展中国家Why China is still a developing country?因为中国现在很贫穷,虽然中国在近期发展飞速,但是人均收入不高,Because China is currently very poor, despite the fast development recently, the average income in China is still at a low leve;.在欧洲发达国家,人民的人均收入高于10000美元以上,People ,in European developed country, have the average income of over 10000 dollars.但是在中国,2005年的数据统计,中国人民的人均收入只有1100美元。However, in China, according to the stastics in 2005, the average income of Chinese is one 1100 dollars.发达国家以高级加工品为主,将农业机械化,提倡个性化服务,Developed countries mainly produce advanced products and make the agricultural to be Mechanized 而发展中国家以初级加工物为主,农业多数是半机械化半手工化,服务比较落后,中国就是如此并且,But for developing countries, they mainly produce elementary products, the agriculture is mostly semi-mechanized and semi-manual, with a poor service. China is such an example在教育中,在中国内地,仅有一千多所高校。美国仅两亿多人口,却有三千多所高校。For education, there are only about 1000 universities. But there are over 3000 universities in the USA, with only about 200 million of population.在教育方式上,中国的教育方式古板,而发达国家的教育方式注重培养学生各方面的能力。For the teaching style, the Chinese way is very old-fashion, but in developed country, they attend to train everyside ability of students.并且,发达国家的教育设施也很齐全。Moreover, developed countries have more completed teaching facilities.诸如此类的差异有很多,但是,我相信,正在飞速发展的中国会走的更好!Such a lot are differences).(=There are a lot such differences), Still, I believe that the fast-developing China will go better!




Developing country

“一些发展落后的发展中国家”怎么翻译? 我需要”发展落后的”这一形容词



众所周知中国是一个发展中国家的翻译是:It is well known that China is a developing country

英语翻译,用括号中的词。 我国国家领导人呼吁发达国家和发展中国家进一步交流。以求共同的和平,稳定,

Our national leaders called for further communication among developed countries and developing countries to achieve mutual peace, stability and prosperity.


