
时尚网,时尚女装,时尚杂志 272℃


  The New Year, wandering in the streets of beaming, listening to the reigniting firecracker, saw every household on the door of the couplet and side sometimes over dressed in Chinese girl, my eyes greeted a charismatic China red. Gazing at girls are silhouetted by Chinese red smile, enjoying the traditional boutiques in background and fashionable design clever confluence Chinese red xi clothing, touched high-quality goods store pieces of fine embroidered work of Chinese red deserve to act the role of, suddenly thought of, this popular Chinese red is the perfect combination of tradition and fashion?

  I never wear red clothes street, but deeply loves China red. China red contains a festive atmosphere, representing every Chinese proud of traditional culture, Wearing it, and can show some other fashionable amorous feelings. You see, the elder sister of the prize guan qi, embroidered Chinese red line to the birds pay homage to the king ceremony skirt not starts the colourful pressure qunfang, xuanliang his eyes? The natural outpouring of traditional flavor and vigorous fashionable style is not let love people fail for a few days caused Chinese popular tide?

  I love tradition, also love fashion, like Chinese red same -- tradition and fashion can also be intimately together. When China red pop, we know, it became a tradition of new era reappear in carrier; Meanwhile, it also let us know, fashionable actually not isolated, unique phased let it after an era of pop, she was later precipitation to traditional factions, thus become with traditional integral whole.

  I love China red, but I didn't really like others buy an wear on, it also won't be my only love. Because I know, wind pursuit can only short and shallow, more like a form, difficult to really come into contact with its essential parts - cultural connotation. This culture connotation is profound, ancient, need we immersed among them to absorb; Otherwise, it is only with rich cultural heritage of over.

  We are looking forward to the popular that like China red, tradition and fashionable fusion can more to reappear in reality, with more dignified attitude more image dressed-atom future life, edification. Because, the traditional no longer can satisfy the young man diversified pursuit, and fashion cannot completely as our values and moral standards. We need to fashion, also need to tradition. Fashion, enrich our life; Traditional guards our spiritual home.

  Dance dance out Chinese red, traditional elegance and fashionable bold and unrestrained; Dancing in the China red, human eternal dance out an inexhaustible motive force.









Half the rooms in China's first "five-star" hospital in Shanghai that provides postnatal care to mothers and babies have been booked ahead of its Christmas Day opening.

Xiyue Postnatal Hospital is more like a holiday resort with its well-furnished rooms for mothers and children and a swimming pool, golf course, tennis courts and karaoke bars for visitors.

Xiyue means happiness in Chinese.

Traditionally, mothers have to spend a month in confinement after giving birth. This is in keeping with a belief that mother and child are vulnerable to evil spirits in this period.

But luxury comes at a hefty price. The cheapest room is 40,000 yuan ($US5,000) a month, while the luxury suite charges nearly 10,000 yuan a day. Hospital sources say the prices are "reasonable."

Even the luxury suite is worth the money, they say, given the comfortable environment, upmarket furniture, and quality services. The two-story suite has separate bedrooms for the new mother, baby and babysitter, as well as a kitchen and a karaoke bar, where the newborn may wail away the hours.

The hospital predicts brisk business in the Year of the Pig.


时尚是什么?   时尚也许是服装店炫目的服饰,使普通人演变成千姿百态的新潮宠儿;时尚也许是珠宝店里的项链或饰品,是年轻人追求个性化的标志。或许此时此刻,你已迈入时尚的乐土,而你却丝毫不知,你将日益追随着时尚的变化,永不停息。   时尚的变化之快是谁也无法意识到的。百货店里营业员每天都在把昨天的新潮服装退去,换上今天更时兴的新装;书店里曾经风靡一时的热销书籍,过了一天,或许已失去了精神的价值,取而代之的是一夜成名的网络红人的自传。   时尚有时是麻木的,会被内外差异所迷惑。如果一个人穿着当今最流行的时装,听着最前沿的音乐,而他对时尚没有内心的领悟,没有个性的体验,只是东施效颦,去模仿别人,那只能是他所谓的“时尚”,太麻木、太无知,只是一种被动的文化。   而有时,时尚也会被歪曲、被染黑。无知少年嘴上叼着香烟,穿着印满涂鸦的奇装异服,唱着没有谱儿的肮脏歌曲,身上标榜着时尚,招摇地走在繁华闹市……这种所谓的“时尚”会被人们所唾弃,应尽快淡出我们的视野!   我认为,时尚和文化是一脉相承的,恰似同胞兄弟,应互相取长补短。时尚应该是先进文化和流行文化的结合体,应该含有积极向上的、健康的元素。时尚如果汲取了这些文化精髓,又融入时代鲜明的特征,这种时尚必定是经得住时间考验的,是有生命力的。   是的,时尚有着华丽的外表,但更是心灵的感悟,让我们超越时尚,放飞美丽。










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